Music, chaos & beauty
Portrait concert with music by Christer Lindwall performed by musicians Kerstin Frödin recorder, Anna Lindal violin and Eva Lindal violin. Christer Lindwall is a composer of strong integrity and artistic profile whose intricate music is often based on non-musical references such as visual art, physics and philosophy. In the concert performance Music, chaos & beauty, the essayist and translator John Swedenmark also participates with reflections and personal comments on both the music and the collaboration between Christer Lindwall and the musicians.
4 October 2024 3:e våningen, Göteborg
6 October 2024 Samtida Musik Musikaliska kvarteret, Stockholm
12 December 2024 The aula, Piteå College of Music
15 February 2025 Annan Musik, Norrköping Art Museum
Lipparella and Sofia Jernberg
In 2025, a collaboration will begin between ensemble Lipparella and the singer, voice artist and composer Sofia Jernberg, born in 1983 in Ethiopia and raised in Ethiopia, Vietnam and Sweden. Central to Jernberg’s work are unconventional techniques and sounds with a focus on the human acoustic voice. She touches on themes such as identity, internationality, origin, belonging and a strong belief in community and co-operation. Sofia’s music moves between different genres with a particular focus on improvised music and art music.
In the new work Slöjan, (The Veil) Sofia herself participates as a vocal soloist together with the instrumentalists in Lipparella. The work is based on the ‘veil’ as a symbol and how it has been associated and charged with different meanings throughout human history – from ancient Mesopotamia to today.
LIPPARELLA was founded in 2008 with the aim of developing a contemporary repertoire for baroque instruments and voice. Since then, the ensemble has continually initiated new collaborations and there is great interest among composers to explore the field of tension between the sound world of baroque instruments and a tonal language rooted in our own time.
ALDO CLEMENTI’S 100th anniversary
Ensemble Lipparella celebrates the 100th anniversary of Italian composer Aldo Clementi with a portrait concert.
The aesthetics of Aldo Clementi (1925–2011) are based on the idea that Western music is in its final phase. Clementi often draws his sound material from a distant musical history, and his compositional technique also has its roots in Renaissance polyphony. Nevertheless, his works rarely give the impression of retrospective or historicising music when he radically changes the musical material in his compositions. In many works there is a continuous slowing down, through which the music gradually exhausts itself and finally comes to a standstill.
The Clementi portrait program performed by Ensemble Lipparella to commemorate his 100th anniversary, comprises a collection of pieces for open instrumentation, or works originally composed for modern instruments that have been adapted for the baroque instruments employed by Lipparella. This adaptation is consistent with the aesthetic principles espoused by Aldo Clementi.
Clementi had a strong connection to Sweden. For many years the family spent the summer months in their holiday home outside Stockholm, where many of his works were composed.
29 April 2025 Ny Musik, Borås
25 May 2025 Khimaira, Stockholm
Bella Musik & Scenkonst
A non-profit organisation that has been producing concerts, performing arts performances and talks since 2011.