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The poetic space of sound

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In recent years, Lipparella has carried out several projects focusing on the relationship between text, music and space, where new musical works have been staged in an art form between concert and music drama. In the project The poetic space of sound, Lipparella continues to develop these perspectives. Here, the ensemble collaborates with composers Christofer Elgh and Erik Peters and, for the first time, with an active poet, Lina Hagelbäck.

The encounter between Ensemble Lipparella, the poet Lina Hagelbäck and Christofer Elgh’s music is based on poems from Lina’s new collection pf poems Kometkarta (2021). Poem and music depict a world of planetary dimensions where comets, imploding forces, sinkholes, confinement, humour, and ‘a string-wrapped fireworks display’ coexist.

Lina’s poems and readings intertwine with the ensemble’s sounds, electronic music and voices in communion with the audience in the room’s various performative spaces.

In Erik Peter’s version of the Zodiac, the music appears as a sounding starry sky. Karlheinz Stockhausen’s melodies are superimposed on each other in constantly changing combinations, and the listener’s attention wanders between the different constellations. The musicians, freely positioned in the room, together form the constellation Lipparella. The constellation reappears in a new form at each performance, as if viewed from a different place in the universe.